Field Lab programme

Field Lab Programme Call for Proposals 2022
Quantum Delta NL is tasked with setting up a network of field labs where end users can interact with the technology and explore potential use cases. A field lab facilitates knowledge transfer and interaction between technology push and market pull by for example:
organizing public workshops;
enabling exploratory projects for specific use cases;
and coordinating longer-term Public-Private projects for end users prepared to pay for such services.
For existing examples of field labs please visit this page.
Field Lab Programme Call for Proposals 2022:
Call for proposals
A budget of € 6,6 million in financing, of which € 3,3 million in contribution, is available for creating the necessary field lab infrastructure and to help cover the running costs.
The requested net contribution per proposal that is made available by Quantum Delta NL, is capped at a maximum of € 1,1 million each.
The net contribution comprises a maximum of 50% per project. The remainder is contributed by the applicant, either in cash and/or in-kind.
Terms & Conditions
Only organisations registered in the Netherlands may apply.
Support/endorsement from a Quantum Delta NL hub is encouraged.
Proposals are aimed at field lab set-up- infrastructure/running costs.
Only the participant who will operate the innovation cluster can apply for a contribution.
The field lab is expected to pursue a viable business model, provide services for which end users are willing to pay and is expected to be operational within 2 years after the project start date.

How to apply?
If you intend to submit a proposal, please let us know by sending an e-mail to, mentioning:
Contact information lead applicant
Brief project description
Project budget indication
The following documents are available for download, or will be available soon:
Reporting guidance and template (coming soon)
Reporting budget template (coming soon)