Centre for Quantum and Society launches Report on Quantum Computing in the Global South
On 16 May 2024, the Centre for Quantum and Society organizes an extraordinary session of the Quantum & Society Research Colloquium for the launch of the Report on Quantum Computing in the Global South. The report, written by AWO, was commissioned through Quantum Delta NL’s Action Line 4 (Research Group on Law and Governance on Quantum Technologies).
Abstract: Governments and researchers across the Global South are important stakeholders in quantum computing, a technology that will likely have global opportunities and ramifications. While quantum computing discussions within the Global North often limit their Global South focus to China, India, and Singapore, quantum computing activity is underway in a wide range of countries across the G-77, from Brazil to South Africa.
Through desk research and supplementary expert interviews, this report documents quantum computing activity within the G-77; creates a typology of G-77 states engaged with quantum computing; and analyses initial trends and potential impacts of the technology including reliance on commercial cloud computing infrastructure, knowledge transfer, environmental impact, and possible new geopolitical dynamics. It concludes with preliminary recommendations to support more equitable global technology development.
The Report will be launched with a Panel Discussion with Ms. Aparna Surendra (AWO), Dr. Amal Kasry (UNESCO), Dr. Ulrich Mans (QDNL), and Ms. Anushka Mittal (IViR). It will be moderated by Prof. Dr. Joris van Hoboken (IViR).
The talk will be hosted online by the Institute for Information Law, Amsterdam Law School of the University of Amsterdam.
Time: 17:00 to 18:00 CET
Location: online
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Centre for Quantum and Society
The Centre for Quantum and Society is a knowledge and co-creation center to maximize quantum technologies’ positive impact on society. We’re part of Action Line 4 of Quantum Delta NL, a unique program that aims to put societal impact first. We facilitate ground-breaking research into the ethical, legal, and societal dimensions related to quantum technologies. We develop tools to assess quantum applications’ impacts and develop governance approaches and guidelines. We support start–ups, small businesses, and corporate innovation teams in understanding the potential impact of quantum technologies on their sector, customers, and society. Last but not least, we initiate mission-driven innovation projects.
This monthly colloquium, organized by the Center for Quantum & Society of Quantum Delta NL, provides a platform for quantum & society researchers, aimed at building and broadening the community engaged in research on non-technical questions related to quantum technologies, including their development, applications, and implications. We will provide networking opportunities within the community, including with the aim to facilitate new collaborations.