Pilot project: export control as a service!
This spring, Quantum Delta NL launched a pilot project on export control for start-ups. We held 5 'office hours' in Leiden, Amsterdam and Delft. The idea: any start-up can walk in without a prior appointment. The team from Export Control Group (ECG) provided their expertise and was already able to help many of you.
Why are we doing this?
We support NL-based quantum companies in navigating the requirements for export controls. It is a complex field, but it starts with knowing when you are in need of a license (in case of using dual-use materials for example); what you need to have in place in your organisation if you want a license; and what to know about the application process. These regulations are important to everyone working in quantum and they might change in the future.
Together with ECG, we are now developing a template for an Internal Compliance Programme (such an ICP is one of the requirements for applying for a license). This will be available to start-ups in the future. Download the quick scan via the button below!
Do you have any question regarding our work on export control? Reach out to ulrich.mans@quantumdelta.nl.