Prof. Dr. Gilles Brassard visits the Netherlands with Quantum Delta NL Visitor Programme
Quantum Delta NL invites talented individuals to participate in our community through multiple collaborative channels. Our Visitor’s Programme aspires to further broaden the international appeal of Quantum Delta NL by offering sabbatical stays and supporting exchange visits for PhD students, postdocs, and other stakeholders across our network.
Our outgoing visitors serve as ambassadors who visit leading institutions across the globe not just to learn the latest techniques and innovations, but also to spread our knowledge while helping form important collaborations.
Recently we had the honour to welcome two visitors to our community: Prof. Dr. Gilles Brassard at QuSoft in Amsterdam and PhD student Juan Carlos Hernandez at the Eindhoven University of Technology.
Prof. Dr. Gilles Brassard visits QuSoft, Amsterdam
Prof. Dr. Gilles Brassard is the Turing Chair for Quantum Software of the Bèta Plus Foundation at the Université de Montréal. In 2020/2021, Professor Brassard was appointed as the first holder of the Turing Chair at QuSoft, but due to the COVID pandemic, he was unable to visit in person, which is why his chair was extended by 6 months in 2022.
During his stay, from June till December ’22, he was awarded the Breakthrough in Physics Prize for 2023. Also, he took part in regular QuSoft research meetings, and gave several public lectures, including a lecture at the KNAW, at the general assembly of the Quantum Software Consortium and at the Institute for Language Logic and Computation (ILLC) in their recently opened LAB42 building.
The pièce de résistance came in a special QuSoft lecture, during which Gilles Brassard and Charles Bennett (codevelopers of the BB84 protocol) gave a lecture in person, while David Deutsch and Peter Shor joined online. This was one of the few occasions where four of the founding fathers of quantum information science could share their ideas and visions together in a public lecture.

Juan Carlos Hernandez visits Eindhoven University of Technology
Early this year, Juan Carlos Hernandez, PhD Student at the Carlos III University of Madrid Spain visited the Eindhoven University of Technology.
Juan shares: 'I was motivated to visit the Eindhoven University of Technology and the Quantum Terahertz Group because it is home to some of the world's most renowned researchers in my field, and has state-of-the-art research facilities that would greatly benefit my investigation.’
Juan continuous: ‘During my visit, one of the technical activities I participated in was the EHCI Symposium on Quantum Technologies, the ECO Plenaries and other workshops, which allowed me to gain new insights into the challenges and opportunities of implementing QKD in practical networks. Also, I got to present my research on QKD cost-efficient networks with Time Division Multiplexing and received valuable feedback from experts in the field.’
‘Besides several academic activities, I took part in some informal group outings with fellow researchers and PhD students from TU/e. We visited some local cultural attractions and enjoyed some traditional Dutch cuisine, which was a great opportunity to mix social and cultural aspects with academic discussions. Overall, my research stay was a highly productive and rewarding experience. I am confident that the contacts and collaborations that I established during my stay will be instrumental in advancing my research in the future. I look forward to following up on the outcomes of my research and staying in touch with my new contacts.’
Many thanks to both Professor Brassard and Juan for visiting our Dutch quantum community!
Our Visitor’s Programme is open to applications across the domains of science, education and Industry.

Galina Pass visits Université Paris Cité
In Spring, Galina Pass, Ph.D. student at the QuSoft department at the University of Amsterdam visited the Université Paris Cité.
The visit was motivated by the continuation of a collaboration with Simon Apers, CNRS, IRIF, Paris, and starting a collaboration with Frédéric Magniez, CNRS, IRIF, Paris. Furthermore, IRIF is one of the European centers for quantum algorithms research and she considered this visit as a step towards building a connection with this group.
During the visit, she has been working on two separate quantum algorithmic projects:
Quantum algorithms for graph problems and studying whether speedups are still possible on hardware with limited memory (i.e. few qubits) with Simon Apers
Quantum algorithms for cryptographic problems on quantum hardware with only classical memory or no random access to quantum memory with Frédéric Magniez and his Ph.D. student Dániel Szabó.
The work on both projects continued online after she left Paris. Among the events she attended, there are the French-Israeli Workshop on Foundations of Computer Science, the EQSI Workshop “Future Directions for Quantum Software in Europe”, and the QOPT Workshop 2023 in Berlin where she gave a talk on a joint publication with Simon Apers.
She also gave a talk on the same work at the Algorithms and Complexity seminar at IRIF. Several students and postdocs from IRIF expressed interest in joining a reading group that she's organizing in Amsterdam (and online) starting in August 2023.
Our Visitor’s Programme is open to applications across the domains of science, education, and Industry.