Quantum Delta NL Prepares Plans for Phase 3 of the National Programme
With everything on track for phase 2 of the national programme, Quantum Delta NL is now preparing for phase 3. The condition for Phase 3 funds to become available is a (positive) Mid-Term Review and a plan for the available funds (330 M€). Part of the MTR is a self-assessment. Preparations for the self-assessment and for writing a plan for phase-3 have started and will continue until the end of 2023.
For the Quantum Delta NL phase-3 plan, the leads of the three Catalyst Programmes (computing, communications and sensing) and four Action Lines (Research & Innovation, Ecosystem Development, Human Capital and ELSA) are responsible for drafting the content of the plan, together with their partners. A task force has been put in place to advise the Quantum Delta NL board on the overall plan, process and distribution of resources. The board will draw up a vision and a framework as input for the leads and the task force.
On September 18th, there will be a joint meeting ('heidag') with our Strategic Council, where we will discuss this framework, the first drafts of the self-assessment and plans from the Catalyst Programmes and Action Lines, and will engage with the task force.
The starting point for phase-3 plans is that we do not simply continue in a linear fashion from phase-2 activities, but really look at what is needed to achieve our long-term objectives. After all, Quantum Delta NL is a mission-driven programme with the aim of economic impact and strategic technology development. This means e.g. making choices and putting even more focus on involving industry, which is also strongly promoted by the NGF committee.
By the end of 2023, the plan and the self-assessment will be ready and will be submitted to the independent MTR committee for feedback.