Results of the Quantum Delta NL Midterm Review
In winter 2023/2024, the Quantum Delta NL programme had its midterm evaluation, covering the period from the NGF’s grant decision on April 9, 2021, until December 31, 2023. The assessment was carried out by an independent MTR Committee, consisting of Sabrina Maniscalco (chair), Dave Blank (co-chair), Jaya Baloo, Catherine Lefebvre, and Charlie Marcus. The MTR Committee’s experienced secretary was Sven Laudy.
Their evaluation included both a retrospective and a prospective component. Specifically, the MTR Committee judged the effectiveness of Quantum Delta NL in governing and managing the programme, assessed the performance of our eight programme lines, and reflected on our strategy and plans for the third phase of the programme.
After completing its assessment, the MTR Committee praised QDNL for its ambitious nature and its recognition on an international level, highlighting the significant progress made with limited resources. The MTR Committee’s careful assessment resulted in over 40 concrete and valuable recommendations to further improve our programme, which we have already gratefully used in drafting and preparing our plans for phase 3. The MTR report was recently shared with the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Climate Policy, which forwarded it to the NGF Committee along with the plans for the next phase.
The QDNL board sincerely thanks the members of the MTR Committee for their commitment to this assessment and for their constructive recommendations.
The MTR Committee Report can be found here, along with Birch’s ecosystem update report, which was one of the inputs for the MTR Committee. Ten highlights from 3 years of Quantum Delta NL can be found here. If you have any questions, please contact Hugo Gelevert at hugo.gelevert@quantumdelta.nl.