Visitor’s Program Story: Leo Radzihovsky
Quantum Delta NL invites talented individuals to participate in our community through multiple collaborative channels. The goal is to leave no talent behind by accommodating the goals and educational trajectory of (prospective) members.
You too can apply for funding for a sabbatical, exchange visit, workshop, summer school and more, and the programme is open to applications across the domains of science, education and Industry!
Interested in visiting the Dutch quantum community or one of your partners outside of the Netherlands? Visit the QDNL Visitor’s programme page for all info on conditions and how to apply or contact Anne-marieke Crommentuijn at the bottom of the page.
This time we highlight the inbound visit of Leo Radzihovsky.
Leo Radzihovsky, a Professor of Physics from the University of Colorado Boulder, visited the group of TU/e professor Servaas Kokkelmans from January to March this year.
Leo shared: ‘With my research interests in quantum many-body systems in mind, my goal was to establish strong research interaction and synergy with outstanding members of the Eindhoven Physics department and its Quantum community. I had numerous interactions with faculty and students and had nice physics discussions with Prof. Edgar Vredenbregt, particularly about his optical tweezer array experimental work toward Rubidium and Strontium Rydberg states-based quantum computing platform. My discussions with PhD student Jasper Postema on quantum error corrections and its duality with the random-bond Ising model and its Nishimori line were very interesting.
My past published research and seminar at TU/e inspired an ongoing very exciting collaboration with Prof. Kokkelmans’ group, working closely with PhD student Jasper van de Kraats, postdoc Dr. Denise Braun and Prof. Kokkelmans. Together, we are working on quantum dynamics of interacting bosonic atoms quenched or slowly swept across an s-wave Feshbach resonance. I hope to fruitfully continue this collaborative work, enabled by the Quantum Delta Visitor Fellowship, well beyond my sabbatical stay at TU/e.