Quantum Sensing Spin Testbed

An immense variety of quantum systems have proven to be valuable sensors, with stages of development that go from theoretical ideas to commercial products. TNO  aims to accelerate the introduction of quantum sensing to the market by creating an open test facility with the support of Quantum Delta NL. In these facilities, universities, companies, and end-users can work together to experiment with the technology and its applications.

Spin-based quantum sensor testbed

The Spin-based sensor testbed provides third parties easy access to quantum sensors based on NV centers. In the facility, it is possible to test use-cases,  benchmark sensors, and their components.

The Spin-based sensor testbed includes

  • A scanning probe magnetometer

  • A set of compact high, sensitivity magnetometers

  • A wide-field magnetometer

By removing the need to invest in expensive infrastructure, TNO intends to lower the threshold for developing and testing quantum sensing technology and components.

Another TNO project is the Quantum Testing and Experimentation Program. Read all about it in a special article.

If you are working on quantum sensing technology and are interested in using our open test facilities, contact us.


Get in touch with

Clara Osorio Tamayoclara.osoriotamayo@tno.nl

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