Quantum Computing & Simulation

Realising the Unlimited Possibilities of Quantum Probabilities

What if we could build devices to help researchers, entrepreneurs, and policymakers solve problems that our current computers or supercomputers would need decades – or even centuries – to answer? Quantum computers have the potential to provide computational power that, for example, could help scientists better model climate change, create new drugs and medical treatments and solve complex logistical problems to speed deliveries and save fuel. Quantum simulators can help scientists study quantum systems and solve specific problems in quantum physics that are difficult to solve with classical computing

Quantum computers and quantum simulators rely on quantum-mechanical phenomena to make complex calculations. That gives them the potential to solve certain types of problems – such as factoring large numbers and simulating chemical and quantum systems – much faster than classical computers.

At QDNL, we’re building a collaborative community dedicated to turning this quantum potential into real-world solutions. Through our Quantum Inspire program, QDNL members – from across industries, disciplines and pursuits – have the chance to tap the power of our quantum computers and quantum simulators to explore solutions to society's biggest challenges and reveal truths hidden in science’s deepest mysteries.

As a member of our community, you will not only be boosting European innovation and competitiveness and guarding its technological sovereignty, but helping usher in tomorrow’s global quantum era.

Interested in helping us start the quantum revolution? Reach out to a QDNL expert to learn more about joining our quantum community.

Information about CAT 1 Quantum computing and simulation

Information session Jan 9, 2024

On 9 Jan 2024, we held a virtual Information Session to inform the wider community about what the CAT-1 phase 3 proposal will look like. In case you missed it or want to rewatch it, we have recorded the session. View the Information Session in the video.

You can also download a PDF of the presentation through the link below.


Richard Versluis
Coordinator CAT 1: Quantum Computing & Simulation
Lieven Vandersypen
Director Research at QuTech
Monica Balacu
CAT 1.1: Quantum Computing Division QuTech
Leonardo DiCarlo
Antoni van Leeuwenhoek Full Professor at Delft University of Technology
Maran van Heesch
Quantum Security Specialist at TNO
Menno Veldhorst
CAT 1.1: Quantum Computing Division QuTech
Peter Verhoeff
Senior Project Manager Quantum Computing
Servaas Kokkelmans
Coordinator Actionline 1: Research & Innovation
Kareljan Schoutens
Professor of Theoretical Physics - University of Amsterdam
Carlo Beenakker
Chairman of the Supervisory Board
Harry Buhrman
Group leader Algorithms & Complexity at Centrum voor Wiskunde en Informatica
Peter van den Berg
Project Manager at TNO
Computing & Simulation Highlights

Anne-Marije Zwerver wins Minerva Prize

Our community member, QuTech physicist, Anne-Marije Zwerver was awarded the Minerva Prize! The prize is awarded yearly by the Netherlands’ Physical Society (NNV) to young and promising women and non-binary physicists who excel in experimental and/or theoretical physics.

View QuTech article
Computing & Simulation Highlights

Bluefors opens Lab in Delft

During the APS March Meeting earlier this month, Bluefors announced the opening of the Bluefors Lab in Delft. With this lab, they offer companies in the early phases of R&D a way to perform quantum measurements, without the need to invest in a dilution refrigerator measurement system.

View Bluefors article




At Quantum Delta NL, we animate our mission through distinct Catalyst programmes and Action Lines – decisive initiatives designed to seize opportunities in quantum, each defined by well-articulated goals, aspirations, and strategies. 

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Richard Versluisrichard.versluis@tno.nl

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