The first World of Quantum took place in 2022 with the aim of offering the young and dynamic quantum community an exhibition platform for exchanging information and networking. It will be held in parallel with Laser World of Photonics and will address all facets and application potentials of quantum technologies such as computing and simulation, communication and cryptography, imaging and sensor technology as well as photonics as an enabling technology.
This year, the organization will be able to offer the quantum community a supporting program for all stakeholders - for industry and science as well as for future users.
Strong partners & industry consortia & associations & authorities in the field of quantum technologies stand for the quality of the program:
The German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) is participating with two project days on quantum sensing and quantum computing;
Bayern Innovativ, in collaboration with PlanQK (Platform and Ecosystem for Quantum Applications), is planning two half-day application-oriented lecture program.
In this context, a panel discussion under the auspices of QUTAC, the Quantum Technology & Application Consortium, is also being prepared.
Munich Quantum Valley, together with IBM Quantum Research, will conduct a one-day lecture program.
In six application panels, renowned quantum technology experts from industry and research will organize a top-class lecture program with the latest information on all relevant areas of quantum technologies.
Here, the German Industry Association for Quantum Security (DIVQSec) will appear in the Quantum Communication panel.
QDNL is attending the conference with a Dutch delegation showcasing on-site with a dedicated booth to meet and greet the joining Dutch startups and side-event activities. More on the programme soon!