Quantum Networks

Developing Quantum Networking for A Safer, More Secure, Better Connected World

In a world where digital threats loom large, ensuring the security of information has become more important than ever. With the rise of quantum networks, a world where nobody can break into your bank account or steal your personal information is becoming a reality. 

Quantum networks use quantum communication to transmit information between devices, making it nearly impossible for hackers to intercept messages. These networks will be essential for providing digital security for banks, medical facilities, and other critical infrastructures. 

Eventually, quantum networking will link quantum computers and processors with quantum network repeaters and memory, which could lead to even more robust quantum computing power, improved distributed computing and more efficient communication.

As a globally recognized leader in classical network technology and a pioneer in emerging work into quantum networking, the Netherlands is at the forefront of building these highly secure networks. 

With its first-of-its-kind physical infrastructure that connects multiple quantum processors, QDNL’s Quantum Network – QN – serves as a national testbed for new applications, such as secure online quantum computing. The QN will consist of the latest quantum equipment for users to learn, engage, and validate the industrial applicability of quantum technology. Fiber and satellite links will connect QN to other EU networks within the context of EuroQCI and the Quantum Flagship.

QDNL also provides support for commercial quantum networking technology rollouts.

Do you want to help us make the world safer? Reach out to the QDNL expert at the bottom of the page to learn more about quantum networking.



QCINed is the Dutch national programme under EuroQIC, in which partners are committed to facilitating and deploying the Dutch Quantum network!

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Article & White Paper

Towards a unified control plane for quantum networks

In the Netherlands, several activities are taking place in the field of quantum network infrastructures. These focus on the hardware and software necessary for new services based on Quantum Information Networks (QIN) and Quantum Key Distribution (QKD). Quantum Delta NL (QDNL) aims to unify these developments into a national quantum network.

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Jesse Robbers
Coordinator CAT 2: National Quantum Network
Julia Feddersen
CAT 2.2: EU Programme Management
Alexander Scheltinga
Program Manager Quantum Internet Networks


Gijs Hijmans
CAT 2.4 Eindhoven Hendrik Casimir Institute
Rebecca Mayrhofer
QuTech Division Coordinator


Ronald Hanson
Lead National Agenda Quantum Technology
Chigo Okonkwo
CAT 2.4: Eindhoven Hendrik Casimir Institute
Stephanie Wehner
Director QIA & Leader Quantum Internet Qutech
Nico Seidler
CAT 2.3: Quantum Internet Division QuTech
Theo Lodewijkx
CAT 2.3: Quantum Internet Division QuTech
Ingrid Romijn
CAT 2.1: National Programme Management
Julian Rabbie
CAT 2.2: EU Programme Management - CQINed
Arian Stolk
QuTech Phd Candidate
Joshua Slater
Q*Bird Technology Officer
Diana Patterson
TU/e Project Manager
Simon Rommel
TU/e Assistant Professor


Nico Seidler
CAT 2.3: Quantum Internet Division QuTech
Ingrid Romijn
CAT 2.1: National Programme Management
Rob Smets
SURF Network Architect
Simon Rommel
TU/e Assistant Professor
research results

Dutch researchers teleport quantum information

Researchers in Delft have succeeded in teleporting quantum information across a rudimentary network.

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